The power of the internet

Oh the power of the internet – the 35 to 40 million or so people using it, the 386 computer, 8Mb RAM and don’t forget the 14.4 kbps modem so that you can capture the true multi-media internet experience. This video has it all….

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Via Andreas Von Gunten from an original post from

There are some great shots of sites, including search engines towards the end. But the beginning is enough.

Published by Lance Wiggs


2 replies on “The power of the internet”

  1. Very interesting.

    I have recently written a post on my blog which also reflects on how the internet, specifically blogging, has linked me simultaneously with people all over the world. It is an awesome feeling and the potential for doing good is undoubtedly yet to be further exploited.

    ransom33 @


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